Public Utility Company „Funeral Services“
Pursuant to Articles 25 and 26 of the Statute of PUC "Funeral Services", Belgrade no. 1 - 22 from 05.04. in 2013, and in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Burial and Cemeteries (hereinafter: the Law) and the Decision on Arrangement and Maintenance of Cemeteries and Burials (hereinafter: the Decision), the Director shall issue the following:
Article 1.
This Ordinance (hereinafter: the Ordinance) regulate the procedure, conditions and necessary documentation for scheduling funerals and cremations in cemeteries managed by the PUC "Funeral Services" Belgrade (hereinafter: the Company).
Article 2.
The funerals and cremations are scheduled at the Service Center, as follows: with the Officers at the City Cemetery and in the City Chapel. At the request of the person who takes care of the funeral or cremation (hereinafter: the executor of the funeral), the scheduling could be done out of the business premises, at the requested location.
Article 3.
The basic documentation necessary for scheduling the funeral or cremation is as follows:
1. Death records:
° Death certificate;
° Extract from the Register of Deaths;
° Conduct issued by the Embassy or Consulate of the Republic of Serbia in the country where the death occurred
° Extract from the Register of Deaths in the international form
2. Personal documents:
identity card or the passport of the executor of the funeral and the person who schedules the funeral on his own behalf and for his own account (hereinafter: the applicant).
If the applicant is a natural person or legal entity that is not registered to perform funeral and related activities (code 9603) or representation, the power of attorney certified by the executor of the funeral or his personal presence, is required.
When the funeral or cremation is scheduled with the Death Certificate, in order for the funeral to take place, it is necessary to submit an Extract from the Register of Deaths, or proof that the procedure of registration in the Death Register has been initiated, i.e. the Decision of the competent authority that the burial or cremation could be performed.
Article 4.
The burial and cremation of mortal remains of persons who died outside of the health care institutions in Belgrade (mortal remains of deceased persons who were not transferred to the City Morgue - Chapel), could be scheduled after the transfer to the cemetery where they will be buried, or to the cemetery where the funeral will be performed, that is, to the cemetery where the farewell for cremation would be performed, or to some other cemetery within the Company, in accordance with the Article 12. of the Law and Articles 17. and 18. of the Decision.
The admission is done according to the schedule, procedure and terms determined by the Head of the Service Center.
Article 5.
The funerals are scheduled as regular funerals and as family funerals.
Regular funeral
Article 6.
Regular funeral means burial in the new grave site in one of the open cemeteries, as a rule and according to the residence of the deceased at the time of death.
The Lešće cemetery bury the dead who had a residence on the territory of the following municipalities: Vračar, Stari grad, part of Palilula municipality on the right bank of the river Danube, part of Savski venac municipality left of the highway, seen from the direction of the Gazela bridge, part of Voždovac municipality left of Vojvode Stepe Street seen from the direction of Autokomanda roundabout.
The Orlovača cemetery bury the dead who had their residence on the territory of the following municipalities: Čukarica, Rakovica, part of the municipalities of Savski venac and Voždovac, and that, to the right of Vojvode Stepe Street seen from the direction of the Autokomanda roundabout and to the right of the highway seen from the direction of the Gazela Bridge.
The dead who had a residence on the territory of the municipalities of New Belgrade and Zemun are buried in the Nova Bežanija cemetery.
The dead who had a residence on a part of the territory of the municipality of Palilula, and that, on the left bank of the river Danube (the part across the Pančevo bridge), are buried in the Zbeg cemetery.
Article 7.
In order to approve the funeral in a non-belonging cemetery, a special application is submitted (Office Form - Annex 1).
The Director decides on the request for approval of the funeral in the non-belonging cemetery, and in his absence, the Deputy Director.
Funerals are scheduled in regular plots that are open for burials, in the order determined by the Head of the Cemetery where the funeral is performed.
Article 8.
The Service Center Officer controls the necessary documentation and schedules the funeral.
If the deceased has a spouse, which is determined from the Death Certificate, the Service Center Officer enters the data on the user of the grave site, on the basis of the spouse's ID card.
If the deceased does not have a spouse, the contract is concluded subsequently, at the request of a possible user. The request with the necessary documentation is submitted in the Registry Office and is handled by the Legal Service.
The grave site is allocated for utilization during the period of 10 years, which equals the term of the mandatory rest period, and when arranging the funeral, rent and maintenance are paid for the specified period.
Family funeral
Article 9.
Family funeral is considered to be the funeral in the existing grave site, in one of the open or closed cemeteries.
In order to approve the burial in the existing grave site, it is necessary that, in addition to the technical possibilities, the conditions determined by the Decision are met, i.e. that there is:
Article 10.
In case of absence of the user of the grave site (deceased or inaccessible), the consent is given by his potential heirs, i.e. relatives in the order from Article 21. paragraphs 1. and 2. of the Decision.
If the deceased is the only user of the grave site in which he is buried, the consent of the heir or the determination of kinship is not required.
If the deceased is one of the co-users of the grave site where he is to be buried, the decision on whether the consent of the other co-users is required is made depending on the circumstances that are determined for each specific case.
Article 11.
Technical conditions for scheduling and performing the family funeral (the requirement to perform the internal exhumation), rules and procedures are determined by the special instruction of the Head of the Service Center.
Article 12.
The Service Officer verifies the available documentation and determines the circumstances of the case in question.
If the fulfilment of the conditions from Article 9. and 10. of this Ordinance may be determined by the Service Officer who schedules the funeral, it is not necessary to create a special case, but then the Service Officer schedules the funeral.
The documentation that determines the kinship and the written consent of the user, are kept permanently.
Article 13.
If the Service Officer alone, who schedules the funeral, is not able to determine that the conditions for approval of the funeral are met, as well as in the absence of the user of the grave site (paragraph 1 of Article 10. of this Ordinance), an application for approval of the funeral is submitted on the prearranged form (Office Form - Annex 2.), which is reviewed by the Legal Advisor at the Service Center, gives his opinion and request with the accompanying documentation and approval of the Manager or his Deputy, and returns it to the Service Officer for further action.
The application for approval of the funeral with the accompanying documentation is kept permanently.
If the Legal Advisor at the Service Center is not able to determine the fulfilment of the necessary conditions for the approval of the funeral, the application with the accompanying documentation is forwarded to the Registry and is further submitted to the Legal Service.
Article 14.
The Legal Service, taking into account all the circumstances of the case in question and the available documentation, gives, in writing, the opinion on the fulfilment of the conditions from the Law and the Decision and the possibility to schedule a funeral in the existing grave site and determines, in each case, the documents that are necessary to give an opinion.
Based on the given opinion of the Legal Service, the Head of the Service Center or in his absence, the Deputy, approves the funeral or refers the interested parties to the regular funeral.
Article 15.
Cremation of the deceased's remains may be performed if such a wish was expressed by the deceased during his lifetime, or by the order of an authorized person, in accordance with the Law.
The cremation of the remains of the deceased cannot be performed if the deceased expressed a wish during his lifetime that his remains should not be cremated.
The cremation of the remains of persons who did not die a natural death may be carried out only with the approval of the official body responsible for initiating or conducting criminal proceedings.
Article 16.
The request for cremation can be submitted by:
a person who, according to the Law, can give an order for cremation, and these are persons who would be obliged to support the deceased according to the valid regulations, namely, the spouse, children (from marriage, illegitimate and adopted) and parents or
a person who claims and can prove that the deceased during his lifetime expressed the wish for his remains to be cremated (written document or statement)
The condition that cremation can be scheduled is that the deceased did not express a wish not to be cremated during his lifetime, which is proven by the personal statement of the person submitting the request for cremation.
Article 17.
To schedule a cremation, a written request is submitted on the prearranged form, which must contain:
° Basic information about the deceased;
° Unequivocal statement of the executor of the funeral that the deceased person stated during his lifetime that he wanted to be cremated, i.e. that during his lifetime he did not express the wish not to burn his remains, which is given under criminal liability;
° Statement on the manner of storing the urn.
° Data on the applicant and kinship with the deceased.
Along with the request and together with the obligatory documentation from Article 3, paragraph 2 of this Ordinance, the following should be enclosed:
° Evidence of kinship between the applicant and the deceased;
° Proof that the deceased had a desire to have his body cremated. It can be a written document (Testament, Contract on lifelong support, etc.) or, if necessary, a statement of the person to whom the deceased, in some way, entrusted his wish.
Article 18.
The request for cremation should state whether there is a secured grave site for the urn or whether the applicant will declare himself on the matter, at a later date.
Cremation is scheduled with the Service Center Officer who, if he alone is not able to determine the fulfilment of funeral conditions, acts in the same way as when scheduling family funerals from Articles 13 and 14 of this Ordinance (Office Form - Appendix 3.)
The request for cremation and the enclosed documentation are kept permanently.
Article 19.
At the same time as scheduling the cremation and setting the date for the funeral farewell, the person who submitted the request for cremation is given the Notice of the scheduled cremation and farewell for cremation, according to the prearranged form.
The Notice must also contain a note that the urn is kept for a maximum of 6 months, after which the ashes are scattered in the Garden of Remembrance.
Article 20.
If in the cremation scheduling procedure, the applicant for cremation can make a decision on the manner and location of urn placement, and if the conditions determined by the Decision and this Ordinance for placing the urn in a certain grave site, are met, the Service Center Officer simultaneously contracts the urn accommodation service, with written notice that the accommodation of the urn will be done within the scheduled time period and without the presence of the applicant.
If in the procedure of scheduling the cremation, the applicant for cremation cannot make a decision on the manner and location of the urn placement, he undertakes, i.e. signs a statement that he will make a decision thereof within 7 (seven) days from the execution of the cremation.
Article 21.
If the applicant for cremation is interested in renting a cassette for storing the urn in city cemeteries managed by the Company, the cremation notice shall be accompanied by the request for renting a cassette in a rosary or columbarium (Office Form - Annex 4) and an information leaflet that contains approximate prices and locations where cassettes can be rented.
If the applicant for cremation declares that he will carry the urn with the ashes of the remains of the deceased outside of the City Cemetery, the request for the issuance of a certificate of the cremated person shall be handed over together with the notification of cremation. (Office Form - Annex 5)
Article 22.
The accommodation of the urn with the ashes of the deceased and cremated outside of Belgrade can be scheduled after the urn is brought to the Service Center at the New Cemetery, together with all the necessary supporting documentation on the death, in accordance with this Ordinance.
Article 23.
Scheduling and performing funerals and cremations of foreign citizens is done in accordance with the rules set out in this Ordinance.
If the person requesting the funeral, especially cremation, of the deceased foreign national is also a foreign citizen who does not understand the Serbian language, the registration of death and contracting of the services must be performed in the presence of a certified translator or a representative of the Embassy of the country of which they are citizens, who will also verify the documents signed in the Company, for the purpose of performing the requested services.
In the event of the death of a foreign citizen in the Republic of Serbia, the registration is made in the Registry of Deaths, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Registry Books.
It is necessary to inform the diplomatic mission of the country whose citizen has died, about the death of a foreign citizen in the Republic of Serbia, especially in cases when there are no persons who would take care of the burial of the deceased.
Article 24.
If the report of death and burial services, especially cremation, is contracted by a person who is not related to the deceased, that same person must be authorized by the closest relative of the deceased. If the person giving the authorization is also a foreign citizen, the authorization must be certified (by the Court, Municipality, Diplomatic Mission or Legal Representative).
Article 25.
Employees of the Service Center who work on scheduling funerals and cremations are obliged to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance, obtain all necessary prearranged documentation and use the prescribed forms and forms from the Annexes to the Ordinance, and failure to comply with the established rules will be considered a breach of duty.
Article 26.
The relevant provisions of the Law, the Decision and the general acts of the Company shall apply to everything that is not regulated by this Ordinance.
Article 27.
This Ordinance shall enter into force within 8 (eight) days from the date of publication on the notice board of the Company.
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